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LifeStyle Studio is a private gym started to help you meet

your personal goals regardless of age, injury or current fitness

level. I will assess your personal goals and create the best fitness plan

to meet all of your needs. Many of our services being offered are for

individuals, couple or group training and group exercises classes. This

dedicated space is customized for private client to optimizing their workout

without worrying sharing equipment and mazmizing calorie expenditure.


At LifeStyle Studio, we offered a professional experience in a

private gym offering a full line of latest premium apparatus equipment:

TRX Strap, battle rope, kettle bells, bosu, medicine balls, foam rollers,

cardiovascular and strength equipment. You will enjoy a structure routine

in a private facility, customized with innovative and uninhibited exercise

capabilities. Come experience the LifeStyle Studio difference. Let us help

you reach your personal fitness goals away from craziness of commercial

gyms and together we can achieve your desired results. The excitement you

feel be worth all your efforts.












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